

composer, performer and sound designer

A tourable, large-scale video triptych of The Machinery, created by Sarah Angliss, Caroline Radcliffe and video artist Jon Harrison in 2018. This project was supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

This large-scale installation aims to create an intense sonic and visual experience to represent and archive the original dance piece by Sarah Angliss and Caroline Radcliffe.

To create this new installation, we filmed Caroline performing the steps to our original sound and video collage. As Caroline danced, I used contact and airborne mics to record her clog steps which I then mixed in with the sounds of the machines.

This new installation was first seen at Ironbridge Gorge Museum, Coalbrookdale, 2018. It was due to be seen at other UK historic sites and festivals in 2020-21 – sadly plans were postponed due to the Covid pandemic.

The piece is still available and can be displayed as a large-scale sound and video work, or in smaller formats. If you’d like to know more about options, please get in touch.

Thanks to sound engineer Zoe Milton for help during my R&D for this recording session. Thanks too to the University of Birmingham Theatre where we filmed this archival recording.

An earlier video of our dance, filmed by Jon during our performance for Algomech Sheffield 2016, was exhibited at Compton Verney, 2018.

The Machinery (video installation)
Supported by Arts Council England